Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Review of Answer Me, Maybe? WH Question Packet created by The Speech Ladies

Review of Answer Me, Maybe? WH Question Packet created by The Speech Ladies

I was so lucky to review this AMAZING packet!!  I’m sure you all will love it as much as I do.  Grab this activity here.  Also, be sure to head over to their blog and check out the review of my activity, Mad Scientists Inferences.  

Here is what you receive in this packet:

There are 100 “wh” question cards, 100 picture cards, 5 cards where the student must unscramble the question, 5 blank phones and 9 bonus cards. There are 20 question and picture cards for each question word (who, what, where, when, and why). 

Goals this activity focuses on:
This is a great game for students working on answering “wh” questions, sentence expansion, memory, reading comprehension, and listening skills.

Here are ways to play:

Level 1 (Best for non-readers and younger students)
Use the cards to play memory. Lay question cards and picture cards face down on the table. Have students match questions to the correct picture.

Level 2 (Best for readers)
Shuffle question and bonus cards. Have students draw a card. If they answer the card correctly they may keep the card. Player with the most cards in the end wins.

Level 3 (Advanced readers and older students)
Shuffle picture and bonus cards. Have students pick a picture card and ask a question. If they ask a question correctly, they may keep the card. Player with the most cards in the end wins.

How I used this activity:

I decided to use this activity with a few different groups of students in order to try each “level”.  Level 1 was used with one of my first grade groups.   I split up the questions and answers (which include pictures) and put them on opposite sides of the table.   When they chose a question card, I read it to them.  I had them answer the question and then flip one of the answer cards over.  If they matched the correct picture with the question, they kept the cards.  They were very excited when they made a match.  Level 2 was used with one of my third grade groups.  I used the where, when, and why question cards and bonus cards with this group.  The bonus cards include things like, “dropped a call, lose a turn”, and “send a text, take an extra turn”.  My students loved drawing the bonus cards!  Any game that includes”challenges” is a plus!  Finally, I used the level 3 game with my 4/5 grade group.  My students absolutely loved it!  Like the directions suggest, I used the picture and bonus cards.  Each student took a turn choosing a picture card and creating their own question.  Asking questions is a very difficult task for many of my students so this game was perfect!  Again, the bonus cards made it interesting and fun!

This is a must have packet that works for students across many grade and reading levels!  Your students will absolutely love the awesome iPhone graphics and the excitement they gain from the challenges.

Here is all the information you need to check out The Speech Ladies and their activities:


Facebook Page:

TPT store:

Be sure to head over to their blog, facebook page, and TPT store to show support.  I highly suggest getting this activity! 

Head over to their blog to see a review of my activity, Mad Scientists Inferences!!!

Thanks everyone for checking out this review!

Live Love Speech